Era Of Female Enegy
Ljuba Kazarnovskaya

Our association is not a departure from the reality in a magical, but still a world that has not been densed in dense forms. With accuracy to on the contrary. We stretch out our hands to you to support, "fuel" each other, go together to our everyday life and build this New World.

Dear Women, your energy is the most important thing and valuable thing you have. Your energy nourishes, fills, comforts and inspires not only your inner circle, but the circle is far away. But we can only give what we have. We can only give.

Dear Women, our association and "for all" and"not for everyone." We have no place for "emptiness." In a difficult time, more than ever, people are needed —Women! - who want to go Forward, work on themselves and bear the fruits of this work to those who follow us.

Our association will suit you if it resonates in your inner compass in your heart.

We respect any Way, but we gather like-minded people who are ready to open themselves to new Knowledge and the most important thing is to apply this Knowledge in the simpleness of the gray day.

We always remember that feminine (Love, tenderness, energy of motherhood for the whole life)

And the male (Power, determination, courage, protection) beginning should be manifested in us necessarily for the balance of Energies and the fullness of Consciousness, so men are invited to participate in our projects! We dare and create together!

Think about it.

All Seekers who are interested in our site, all those who feel the need for Spiritual unity with people looking for answers to pressing questions about earthly and universal processes, about ways to gain experience in the Spirit, Soul and Heart will be interested in this dialogue...

Of course, in order to conduct such a dialogue, you need to have certain Knowledge and have the ability to work with difficult information, to be able to analyse it and apply it in everyday Life and Creativity in any manifestation.

To do this, I offer a few books that will open the roads to each other and give us some basis for starting a more intensive communication ...

See you soon on the beautiful roads of Knowledge, Unity and Love...

1. Concordia Antarovа — Two lifes 
2. Patricia Cory — Atlantis
3. Elizabeth Heitch — Dedication
4. Drunvalo Melchizedek — The ancient mystery of the flower of life
5. Ljuba Kazarnovskaya — Opera secrets
These books are just the beginning of the great Path of Knowledge. Next, we will exchange and share with each other information on the disclosure of Knowledge and our Creative Potential, hold seminars, meetings, musical "excursions and travels", discussions and conversations on all relevant, pressing problems of our Life...

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